At B.U.P. Sports, if we can’t make an archery product better and more affordable, we go out and buy it. That is why we only offer products that surpass what the industry has to offer. B.U.P. Sports has a 30,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Northwestern Minnesota, where we proudly make all of our products in the USA.
The truth is that the archer is a special breed. We walk instead of drive so we can look for sign even in the off hunting season. We scout when the bugs could carry us away. We go for months without scented soaps; detergents, colognes and many shave their hair come September. While others are spending their off season recreational time on other sports, we are doing 3D and league shoots. It is this kind of passion and commitment that drives me to come up with unique and better sporting good products.
B.U.P. Sports owner, C. Allen Angland
The catch phrase in the hunting industry seems to be “the next hunt begins when the last one ends” or some variation. Well, I believe that with archery hunters, the next hunt has begun during previous hunts. We learn and grow each time we hunt and yes daydream about the next chance we have to enjoy what nature has provided. Between investigating that twig snap or the gut feeling that something is there, we take time to plan our next trip to the woods, observe the behavior of the game and think about past hunts and what you’ve learned from them. As I pass my passion for archery on to my children, I hope to also pass on my commitment to serving the archer with integrity.
-C. Allen Angland- President and Owner Bower Useful Products, Inc.
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